Author Services, Inc. at 7051 Hollywood Boulevard, also housing Galaxy Press and the L. Ron Hubbard Theatre.
The “Poe, Sir Walter Scott and Mark Twain ended their lives dead broke. That was because they did not retain Author Services, Inc.” graces the wall of Author Services Reception.
The library at Author Services, Inc., presents the full body of L. Ron Hubbard’s fiction literary legacy. On the shelves are well over two hundred titles from almost every conceivable genre, published and distributed in nearly a hundred countries.
The shelves of the Writers of the Future hall are lined with illustrations and hundreds of novels, novelettes and short-story collections authored by Contest winners and esteemed judges and the numerous recognitions presented to the Contests.
The board room serves to meet with publishers, distributors and entertainment industry professionals from
around the world. Prominently displayed are the original L. Ron Hubbard fiction and aviation magazine covers.
In the lounge and coffee bar, is a small selection of the tens of thousands of photographs taken by L. Ron Hubbard during his world travels and many sojourns.
Where live theatrical readings of L. Ron Hubbard’s tales are performed weekly. The theatre also serves as a venue for events and seminars centered around the works of Mr. Hubbard.